To Be Successful, You Must Always Keep Growing

To Be Successful, You Must Always Keep Growing

As longtime subscribers of SUCCESS might recall, this isn’t the first time the stars of Shark Tank have graced our cover. In fact, they fronted a monumental issue of the magazine some years back, the launch of our redesigned look and feel that has come to define the brand.
In the world of entrepreneurship, the Sharks represent the big breakthrough everyone seeks. They have some things all aspiring entrepreneurs and startup founders want, be it wisdom, capital or influence. Now, most new businesses don’t ever have the opportunity to present themselves on a reality show, but somewhere along the way, every entrepreneur approaches a gut-check moment not altogether unlike stepping into the Shark Tank. To get a business to the next level, you have to wow someone. It could be an investor, or your first major client, or even a must-have employee. If you can win that person over, big things may lie ahead.

In The Experience Issue, we’re highlighting the potential for growth along each curve in your individual journey to success.

And just as powerful, for you, the one making the case for yourself, convincing others to believe in you will create waves of confidence going forward, helping you to woo the next investor, the next client, and so on. But experiencing that first breakthrough might be the most important of all—it proves you’re on the right track.
The Sharks themselves were all successful before their show began almost nine years ago, of course. But what we love about them—the reason we’re so thrilled to have them back on the cover of SUCCESS—is that none of them has stopped swimming. To be successful, you must always keep moving forward, keep growing and keep learning. As they attest in this month’s cover story, the lessons they’ve gleaned from one another and even the mistakes they’ve made since the show began make them sharper and better than they were then. In The Experience Issue, we’re highlighting the potential for growth along each curve in your individual journey to success.
Every story in this issue has been developed with your story in mind. In an excerpt from his new book, our Happiness Guy, Shawn Achor, explains why plotting your victorious course ahead of time has been proven to help your goals. We have two phenomenal essays: Features Editor Jamie Friedlander shares her practice of creating moments she’ll cherish amid the routine of daily life, and writer Michael Graff reflects on a menial job—seemingly insignificant on the surface—that has shaped his attitudes ever since.
For this issue, we reached out to achievers of all stripes, including authors, movie stars and millionaire businesspeople, to share the advice they would give their younger selves, which might also hit home with you. And contributor Tara Nieuwesteeg explains why the most fun and potentially lucrative investment of all is travel; we’re glad to give you an excuse to see the world.
You only get one chance to experience this crazy, beautiful ride called life. You owe it to yourself to enjoy it and make the most of it. So pour a cup of coffee or tea, plop down somewhere comfortable and spend a little time with this month’s issue. You’ll laugh. You’ll see some things differently. You’ll learn. You’ll meet interesting people. And when you’re done, you’ll be glad you did it.
That’s the whole point of all this.



To Be Successful, You Must Always Keep Growing

To Be Successful, You Must Always Keep Growing As longtime subscribers of  SUCCESS  might recall, this isn’t the first time the stars...

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